The automated campaign in Maximizer Enterprise can send to either e-mail or fax recipients. We suggest using an e-mail to fax service for a fax campaign to make it faster than using a normal fax modem.
In both cases, you begin with a template. This is set up once you have clicked on Marketing and then on the Campaign icon to open up the campaign window. Place your mouse pointer in the window and click the right button to access the menu. Choose Add Automated Campaign template.
Now you are presented with a step by step set of windows to guide you through creating the template. In the first window, Click on Add and give your template a name. The first time you use this function, you will create a unique template, thereafter, you can use that same template to be the basis of new ones. You can also give the template a description, then click OK.
Then click Next to move to the Campaign Activities windows. Again, click Add, choose either e-mail or Fax. The next window will be titled according to the choice you made. Here I will go through the e-mail activity. Give the activity a name, description and E-mail subject. You also need to give it a Start Time and Delay Start (if required). The Landing Page URL will be the page that links directly onto your website for recipients to gain more information. Next you need to select the Message Body File. Click on this button and you are now able to find the existing HTML file that you may have created in FrontPage™ or actually create the message body in Maximizer’s editor. What is the difference?
The HTML file does not enable you to merge information from your Maximizer database without programming support. The Maximizer Editor does allow for merging of information, however font support is limited. We have found Word HTML documents to be clumsy and larger than FrontPage™’s, but merges can be done. The choice is yours and depends on the effects that you want.
Creating the document in Maximizer’s editor means that you have all of the usual UDFs available and you can do a really focussed document. We use this solution for marketing mail shots, whereas this newsletter is done in FrontPage™.
Once you have created and saved your document, it will appear in the Message Body Library window from where you went to create it. If the document already existed, then you will have clicked on Import and found it on your server. Now click on OK to bring it into the Activity window. To put in the sender’s information, click on the Email Addresses tab. Here you put in the information for the sender and the address to reply to, as well as the cc and bcc recipients. Attachments can be added as well on the last tab. When you are complete, click on OK.
The activity will now show in the activity window – note that you can have multiple activities for a campaign if you require. Click Next. This brings you to the Save window and gives you the option to create a campaign from the template. For now, just click on Finish.
The second part of the Automated Campaign is the list of recipients. To set this up, return to your address book and decide on the User Defined Field (UDF) that you wish to use for this list. For instance, we use the UDF newsletter, which is a table with two options, Subscribe and Unsubscribe to decide who receives the newsletter. Once you have the UDF set up and have indicated which people (Contacts) qualify, then you need to do a Search for them. Click on Search | All Fields and find the UDF, tick it and click the appropriate choice. Click OK and make sure that Contacts and Individuals are selected. Click on Catalog and create a new catalog entry with the campaign name as its title – this means that you can update the search in future. Click OK twice to begin the search. Once it is completed, select all the entries, check that they all have email addresses, select them (EXCLUDING ANY THAT DO NOT) and save them as a Favourite List with the campaign name as the list name.
Return to the Campaign and select Add Automated Campaign by right clicking. You now have two choices Fixed Date or Ongoing. If you have multiple activities in your template, it will be the latter, otherwise stay with the former. Click Next. Choose the template that you want to use in the campaign, put in a budget figure and expected revenue and click Next. Now you are to choose whom to send the campaign to – select your Favourite list and click Next. Give the campaign a start date and click Next. You now have the option to validate your email addresses before clicking on Finish.
Note – it is important to leave Maximizer open to run the campaign!